At the end of May, I was in Brittany for the biennial week-long festival, the Semaine du Golfe. This “Week of the Gulf” is a celebration of the boating history of the Gulf of Morbihan. There is no racing, but numerous other boat-related festivities, including a kick-off and final boat parade… and lots of music, food and drink!

I’ve uploaded a few videos from some of my favorite moments of the festival. This first video is of the kick-off parade, just before sunset. My friends and I were lucky enough to be in the parade, to witness it from the water!
This next video is from Larmor-Baden, at the passageway (in low tide only) to Île Berder. This is where the flotilla of smaller boats showed their stuff on the Thursday afternoon:
Lastly, I watched the final boat parade from the rocks on Île-aux-Moines, as I did two years before. You can see my post about the Semaine du Golfe 2017 here.
Rumor has it they are only going to hold the festival every four years from now on, due to environmental concerns with so many people descending upon the region all at once. If not 2021, mark your calendars now for May 2023!